Okie dokie,

So as promised, I'm going to start catching the blog up with the recent events of Millennium Exile. Anything with the "Catch-Up" label in the title, will be something regarding the project from past events.

Well then, lets jump straight into things shall we?


Back in January, Kotaku Australia wrote up an article featuring yours truly! 

For those of you who not in the  know, Kotaku is an online media outlet that focuses on news about Anime, Gaming and various facets of pop-culture and technology. They have several websites from countries around the world, such as in the U.S, Australia, Japan and U.K.

Needless to say, having such a prominent brand not only recognize what I'm doing- but to write up such a glowing article, made me simply ecstatic to say the least! 

A few hours after this article hit the world wide web, I was inundated by emails from various bloggers, journalists, schools and even conventions! :O

Link to the article below:

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A few weeks later, I was invited to a popular radio station: "ABC radio" here in Brisbane.
I featured in a recorded interview about what it's like being a Western creator for a predominantly Japanese industry. We also covered the Japanese culture, and what effect Anime has had in shaping Japans image in Western society.
It was an amazing experience!



More recently, I was invited to attend a Skype interview with Joel from Anigame - An Australian based Anime and Game blogger / reviewer.
While the article was a lengthy one, it was actually transcripted from the full video-chat.


Full Video:

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I still have several school visits currently booked (more on that in next weeks blog), and an upcoming convention, here in Brisbane.
As the convention in question wants to break the news first, I'm not at liberty to disclose exactly which one it is...however you can be sure to expect a detailed blog sometime by the end of September.


The special Patreon artwork is still in progress, with Hary spending some time fleshing out some finer details of the Diablo blade. 
You should definitely look forward to this piece being released, and all Patrons of the Millennium Exile project will receive a rare high resolution download upon it's completion :) 

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As always, I'd like to thank the following amazing Patrons from the bottom of my heart: 



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Master of Elements (Tier 1)

  • Daniel Taylor
  • Jaycen Hill




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    Dual Wielding (Tier 2)

    • SnowMew
    • Tyler Smalley
    • Coyen Olsen (New Member)
    • Patrick Lowery (New member)
    • Shaun (New Member)





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    Calculated & Dangerous (Tier 3)

    • Graeyson
    • Ben Karnaghan (New Member)





    If you wish to become a Patron, you will not only be helping the project move forward - but you will also be supporting the talented artists from around the world who also work on the project.
    Together we can help make Anime history!  
