Well now, here we are in 2020…HAPPY NEW YEAR!

There’s not a whole lot going on in the Millennium Exile front, as the year has only just begun.
However, this is the year I’m planning to pitch this project to studios and organizations around the world. But before we get to all that, let’s discuss what’s been going on in my personal life.

I had a great holiday season, I got to spend lots of time with family and friends…as well spend a lot of time playing video games. Previously, I had been smashing out some Destiny 2, but right now my bread and butter has been Monster Hunter World Iceborn. I’ve been a huge fan of Monster Hunter World, so the Iceborn expansion was a very welcome addition to the franchise.

Oh yea, I also got offered a new job in corporate I.T.
To be honest, I’m waaaay out of my league in this field as my previous experience was in customer-driven, retail repairs and computer builds. Turns out my boss was more interested in hiring the right personality and teaching the rest, rather than bringing someone in with a high degree of experience and a shit personality. I guess I should be flattered?

It’s a challenging job, but I’ve been learn a lot and it’s a really great environment.

Like I said before, this is the year I’ll be looking at pitching Millennium Exile to various studios and streaming platforms, in order to bring the project to life. With all the artwork for both the demo reel and art-book completed, Hary will be re-drawing the original cast (Vincent, Zero, Agito, Lan & Kyo).


Hary drew these back around 2011 and since then he has grown immeasurably as an artist. Recently, Hary expressed interest in redrawing these pieces and I jumped at the chance for some updated materials.

As you can see below, there is a massive difference between the two images and although I still freaking love Hary’s older work, this updated image or Vincent is simply stunning.

As far as the artbook is concerned, I’m currently saving up to get this printed, thus the Patrons and once-off donations are still VERY much appreciated.

Anyway, I think that just about wraps up January’s blog – my apologies if it wasn’t all that interesting. I’m currently exploring a few different avenues and focusing on my networking while learning this new job, all the while, putting the final touches on my series treatment and planning my wedding.



As always, I'd like to thank the following amazing Patrons from the bottom of my heart:

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Master of Elements (Tier 1)

  • Kelsey Ellis

  • Ben Karnaghan

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Dual Wielding (Tier 2)

  • David Haynes

  • Rachael Hajje


Your’e a Wizard!  (Tier 3)

  • Coyen Olsen

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Calculated & Dangerous (Tier 4)

  • Graeyson

  • Edward Tremenheere

  • James Salhani