Millennium Exile
The Light Novel Series
Volume One!


With all the hub-bub of…you know, writing and releasing a book - I totally spaced on posting a blog about it!

I was touched by the amazing outpouring of love and support for the release of volume one - with many happy readers sending in photos and reviews of the book! It was for a short time only, but the book even made several “top” lists on Amazon.

Clicking the banner above this text will take you to your local Amazon page - where you can purchase your own copy on paperback or ebook! :D

Alternatively, you can find Millennium Exile volume One in Barnes & Noble, Zombster, Books-a-Million, Angus & Robertson, Abe Books, Booktopia, Dymocks, & Anime at Abbotsford!


Not only that, but I attended my first-ever convention as a vendor!

Akacon was a humble, but awesome local convention that brought soooo many amazing people together throughout the community to celebrate their love of Anime & Manga!
I actually attended the first Akacon and spoke on stage in my last blog post - however this time, I had a table all set up!

In a convention FULL of bright and shiny collectibles - here I was selling books.
Yet, despite my concerns about this, I sold WAY more books than I originally intended and met some of most wonderful people ever!
Even the other vendors around me purchased copies :)

They even held a night market where they played my demo reel on the big screen!
( I know this looks super imposed but it’s really not hahaha )

From the bottom of my heart I just wanted to thank everyone and kindly ask that if you did read your copy - to please leave a review.
It really goes a long way ! :)

Because I was so slack in getting this blog out on time, Volume 2 is right around the corner, along with the audiobook release of Volume 1, so stay tuned!

Love your faces!